Groundhog Day 2017 is on Thursday, February 2, 2017, and Weatherboy will be deploying three of it’s meteorologists to special areas in the eastern United States to provide live coverage: Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania, Hollywood, Florida, and Staten Island, New York. Each of these three cities are taking a unique spin on this festive weather-related holiday rooted in folklore. According to folklore, if it is cloudy when a groundhog emerges from its burrow, the spring season will arrive early, sometime prior to the vernal equinox which is on March 20; if it is sunny, the groundhog will supposedly see its shadow and retreat back into its den and winter weather will persist for six more weeks. There is no science rooted in the American holiday at all, but it is a family-fun event that gets people talking about the weather and the eventual arrival of spring.

The most famous groundhog is Punxsutawney Phil who’ll be making his 131st forecast on February 2. We will have a meteorologist covering this historic event and will broadcast it via Periscope/Twitter.
The second most famous groundhog in the United States that gets into this holiday spirit is Staten Island Chuck. This special event, hosted at Chuck’s home at the Staten Island Zoo, will be broadcast live via FacebookLive by another Weatherboy meteorologist.
While Phil and Chuck make their official “forecasts” in the northeast, the Sunshine State will be celebrating the holiday in a totally different way. There, we’re sending another Weatherboy meteorologist to cover the festivities on the beach. Ocean Alley, Commissioner Debra Case and the beach community are hosting a special event to benefit the Hollywood Beach Lifeguard Competition Team. A character dressed up as a groundhog will be on the beach to kick-off the 12th annual Groundhog Swim, although they’ll be deferring to Phil for their “official forecast.”
Everyone is encouraged to come out to any of these events and be part of the fun and festivities.
Event Details
Punxsutawney Phil at Gobbler’s Knob
Festivities begin 3am and last through 8am; includes special performances and fireworks.
This is the Groundhog Day capital of the world; events begin several days before the big forecast on February 2. Be sure to visit the website for all the events and activities that occur there all week!
Staten Island Chuck at the Staten Island Zoo
Gates open at 6:30am, ceremony begins 7:00am, Chuck’s forecast is announced 7:30am.
Admission to the event is free!
Patrick and the Rock-a-Silly Band will be performing; special guests including New York City dignitaries will be present for the event.
12th Annual Groundhog Swim
Ocean Alley Restaurant & Beach Bar, 900 N. Broadwalk, Hollywood, FL
$12 donation includes breakfast and free souvenir; donations benefit the Hollywood Beach Lifeguard Competition Team
Breakfast is served 6:30-7:45am
Groundhog Swim is 7:30am