Record high temperatures on February 21 made many wishing spring was here. While winter weather will likely return to places like the northeast before more spring weather returns, we want to help you get ready for warmer temperatures!
What better way to prep for the spring than by getting your own stylish Weatherboy t-shirt ready! We are giving away seven (7) in various designs:
- Weatherboy Holding an Umbrella
- Weatherboy in a Jeep (2)
- Weatherboy with GOES-R Weather Satellite
- Weatherboy in a Jeep (2)
- Weatherboy Holding an Umbrella
Want a t-shirt? Just comment on this post and let us know what kind of weather or earth science stories you’d like us to cover in the future. We have a team of professional meteorologists exploring the world of weather for you, but we want to make sure we’re covering things you want to learn more about.
In addition to your comment, let us know what size t-shirt you are vying for: S, M, XL AND what design: Umbrella, Jeep, Satellite.
Of all comments left, we will randomly pick people for each shirt/size to be given away by 12noon ET Thursday February 22, 2018 to get one of these collectible t-shirts.
Please, US residents only with US mailing addresses. Sorry, previous winners of Weatherboy prizes over the last 3 months are not eligible to win.
Good luck!