Very cold weather is headed to Florida tonight, with Freeze Warnings and Windchill Advisories up in large portions of the Sunshine State. In addition to those official warnings, the National Weather Service is warning the public to watch out for more fall-out from the cold air: falling iguanas.

In an update released a short time ago, the National Weather Service office in Miami issued an alert to warn people of the possibility of iguanas falling. “Falling iguanas possible tonight,” the National Weather Service warns. They add, “Iguanas are cold blooded. They slow down or become immobile when temps drop into the 40s. They may fall from trees, but they are not dead.” Even in south Florida, temperatures will be quite cold tonight. Temperatures around the metro Miami area and Fort Lauderdale should fall into the low to mid 40s; the Palm Beach Metro area will be colder with a wake-up temperature near 40. The interior portion of south Florida and Florida’s Gulf Coast will even be colder, with readings in the 30s.