The US Navy has expressed embarassment and outrange at an air crew who used their warplane to draw a penis in the sky above the town of Okanogan, Washington earlier this week.
A jet from Naval Air Station Whidbey Island in western Washington state created the drawing in the sky; the E/A-18 Growler is usually used for high-tech electronic warfare missions launched from aircraft carriers. During a training mission, the two crew members on-board used their aircraft to create a contrail “sketch” in the sky in the shape of male genitals.
Many residents spotted the contrails in the clear blue skies above the central Washington town of 2,500 people. Witnesses took photos and placed them on social media platforms, where they were widely viewed. Anahi Torres shared one such image with Weatherboy, which appears here.
“The actions of this aircrew are wholly unacceptable and antithetical to Navy core values” said a statement issued on Friday by NAS Whidbey Island. “We have grounded the aircrew and are conducting a thorough investigation,” the statement said, “and we will hold those responsible accountable for their actions. The Navy apologizes for this irresponsible and immature act, and anyone who was offended by this unacceptable action,” the statement said.
Vice admiral Mike Shoemaker, the commander of Naval Air Forces, said in a statement: “Sophomoric and immature antics of a sexual nature have no place in Naval aviation today. We will investigate this incident to get all the facts and act accordingly.”
This isn’t the first time a penis was sketched in the skies overhead. A cancer awareness initiative earlier this year went viral; it encouraged pilots to conduct flight plans in the shape of male genitals and share them with others. That initiative corresponded with a Testicular Cancer Awareness campaign meant to draw awareness to the top cancer of men age 15-39.